# Vue Component/Renderers

frontmatter-markdown-loader allows you to import the compiled markdown body as Vue's render function, Vue component.

Those feature is enabled by Mode.VUE_COMPONENT, Mode.VUE_RENDER_FUNCTIONS in "mode" option.

Additional dependencies

To use this mode, your project need to be installed some dependencies.

# After 3.0.0

In Vue CLI app, @vue/component-compiler-utils are installed. In Nuxt.js app, both are installed. So you may not install them explicitly.

# Until 2.3.0

# Import Vue Component (Mode.VUE_COMPONENT)

Mode.VUE_COMPONENT enables us to import Vue component from a markdown file. There are some ways to render/mount that.


Imported component is ready-made Vue component. We don't need to have Vue compiler on the fly.

# A. Mount imported markdown

    <h1>This component mounts `something.md` as Vue component</h1>
    <h2>{{ title }}</h2>
    <from-something />

  import fm from "something.md"

  export default {
    components: {
      FromSomething: fm.vue.component
    data () {
      return {
        title: fm.attributes.title

# B. Import dynamically

Import a component based on dynamic variables, This may help you to build CMS, Blog...etc 😉

    <h1>This component mounts `../contents/${file name which is passed through props}.md` as Vue component dynamically</h1>
    <h2>{{ title }}</h2>
    <component :is="dynamicComponent" />

  export default {
    props: ['fileName'],
    data () {
      return {
        title: null,
        dynamicComponent: null
    created () {
      const markdown = require(`~/articles/${this.fileName}.md`)
      this.title = markdown.attributes.title
      this.dynamicComponent = markdown.vue.component

      // Use Async Components for the benefit of code splitting
      // https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/components-dynamic-async.html#Async-Components
      // this.dynamicComponent = () => import(`~/articles/${this.fileName}.md`).then(({ vue }) => vue.component

# C. Inject other components

If the compiled markdown has <sub-component-name> on body, that can run as Vue component if we register sub components. Our markdown may get special behaviors magically ✨

  import fm from "something.md"

  export default {
    extends: fm.vue.component,
    components: {
      OtherComponent // `<other-component>` on something.md` renders OtherComponent :)

# Legacy: Import Vue Renderers (Mode.VUE_RENDER_FUNCTIONS)

render and staticRenderFns are necessary members of Vue's component internally. The loader can return these and we can call in the hand-made Vue component. Then you can inject components as sub-components. If the markdown body has the matching HTML tag to their name, Vue will run as Vue component 🧙‍♀️.

Not Recommended: This feature may be deprecated in the future 🤔

# After 3.0.0

  import fm from "something.md"
  import OtherComponent from "OtherComponent.vue"

  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        templateRender: null

    components: {
      OtherComponent // If markdown has `<other-component>` in body, will work :)

    render (createElement) {
      return this.templateRender ? this.templateRender() : createElement("div", "Rendering");

    created () {
      this.templateRender = fm.vue.render;
      this.$options.staticRenderFns = fm.vue.staticRenderFns;

# Until 2.3.0

vue.render and vue.staticRenderFns were just the string of the source.

  import fm from "something.md"
  import OtherComponent from "OtherComponent.vue"

  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        templateRender: null

    components: {
      OtherComponent // If markdown has `<other-component>` in body, will work :)

    render (createElement) {
      return this.templateRender ? this.templateRender() : createElement("div", "Rendering");

    created () {
      this.templateRender = new Function(fm.vue.render)();
      this.$options.staticRenderFns = new Function(fm.vue.staticRenderFns)();